A successful season!

Well, the foliage season is winding down here in Vermont, except for a few oaks and beech trees. We were able to gather over 280 observations of this year's odd foliage patterns, and while many were from me I was happy to have several other participants, especially @susanelliott . Thanks all! If you see oaks or beech out there or anything else that still has fall color, go ahead and add them, otherwise we will see what next year holds!

由使用者 charlie charlie2015年10月30日 16:01 所貼文


Still some gorgeous hillsides with oaks and beeches over here in Rutland County.

發佈由 susanelliott 大約 9 年 前

I guess it is too early to call it then :) It's always faster up here, even in this weird year

發佈由 charlie 大約 9 年 前


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