NYBG EcoQuest December 2017 – Week Three


December 1–21
Nine hardy souls turned out for the Lichen Foray in Central Park on one of the coldest days of the year. Nova gave a great overview of Lichens and even brought some commercial deodorant made with Lichen (not that anyone needed it). The highlight of the day was finding six species of Lichen on one old American Elm. Review the air quality in your neighborhood as assessed by the NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene here. Your Lichen observations will help inform future assessments.

Observations: 155
Observers: @laura622, 44; @elizajsyh, 36; @danielatha, 26; @margela, 9; @inoculo, 9.
Places: Bronx, 84; Manhattan, 63; Queens, 5; Brooklyn, 3; Staten Island, 0.

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由使用者 danielatha danielatha2017年12月22日 19:42 所貼文


Well done guys!

I was sorry to miss this Ecoquest, but I am having a blast in Sanibel, Florida.

發佈由 susanhewitt 超過 6 年 前


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