NYBG EcoQuest March 2018 - Week Three


March 1–21
Do insects visit our Deadnettle plants? Stake out a plant and use video if possible. This study by Zeynep Atalay, provides many interesting details about the floral anatomy and pollination biology of Lamium.

We are all gearing up for the City Nature Challenge, April 27 to 30th. Join us this coming Saturday, March 24th for a Mini Nature Challenge practice session at Soundview Park, co-sponsored by the Bronx River Alliance.

Observations: 182
Observers (25): @ansel_oommen, 41; @elizajsyh, 35; @susanhewitt, 20; @julietan, 10; @toastmastdi, 9.
Places: Manhattan, 95; Queens, 56; Bronx, 14; Brooklyn, 10; Staten Island, 5.
Species: 5

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由使用者 danielatha danielatha2018年03月22日 14:14 所貼文




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