Calling All New York City Nature Lovers

Help New York City stay in the top ten worldwide. We are almost 500 strong! With two days left (Sunday and Monday), if we each make twenty-five observations per day, we'll be number one!

Try leaving your photos on the camera roll and uploading them later using the desktop program. Drag and drop as a batch is quicker than uploading one by one with the mobile app. You'll spend more time enjoying Nature and less time looking at your phone!

Global Leaderboard
Battle of the Boroughs
Park-by-Park Competition
Short Training Video
Longer Training Video
City Nature Challenge 2021: New York City Project page managed by Kelly O'Donnell at Macaulay Honors College
Virtual Events

Besides having fun, breathing fresh air and getting better acquainted with the wild inhabitants of New York, the City Nature Challenge has scientific and conservation benefits as well. In 2019, Lynette Lewis @lynalew found the Pink Ivy-Leaved Speedwell, Veronica sublobata (pictured below), a species never recorded for New York State. Here's how she described her experience....

"I went to Staten Island that day because of the City Nature Challenge! I was in college when the CNC started; Dr. Kelly O'Donnell recruits & trains Macaulay student volunteers to help. That year I was the only one who signed up to make the trek down to Staten Island. Very long commutes are nothing new for me, given my suburb is isolated from gentrified Brooklyn. But I underestimated how much time that trip would take. As a volunteer, I tried making as many observations as possible while traveling to & from events. During the CNC, my main goal is to make more observations than I did the previous year/go somewhere new. Not looking for a specific species allows me to be more open to everything around the space."

Lynette's observation was later identified by the World's Veronica expert, Dr. Dirk Albach @albach and the three of us will soon publish a paper together registering the species for New York State.

The May EcoQuest challenge is VERIFY VERONICA. If you find the Pink Ivy-Leaved Speedwell anywhere in New York this month, your observation will be cited in the publication.

Register here for the May 17 presentation by Dirk Albach The Genus Veronica (Speedwells) - In 15 Million Years to New York

由使用者 danielatha danielatha2021年05月02日 10:38 所貼文




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