September EcoQuest Challenge


Native to the Northern Hemisphere, Oaks (Quercus) are iconic trees in forests and woodlands and symbols of resolute longevity. Ecologically important as food and shelter, Oaks support more than 900 species of Moths and Butterflies to rear their caterpillars, in turn feeding songbirds and other wildlife. There are 14 Oak species indigenous to New York City.

由使用者 danielatha danielatha2021年09月04日 04:49 所貼文


This is a great quest. Perhaps we can start by naming the 14 oak species indigenous to NYC. This would be my list:
Q. alba
Q. bicolor
Q. montana
Q. muehlenbergii
Q. prinoides
Q. stellata
Q. palustris
Q. rubra
Q. velutina
Q. coccinea
Q. phellos
Q. marilandica
Q. ilicifolia

Which one am I missing? Q. macrocarpa? (but is it native?)

發佈由 cameronr 約 3 年 前

Can we now have the new EcoQuest put up on the iNat Ecoflora page please?

發佈由 susanhewitt 大約 3 年 前


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