2022 EcoFlora Year in Review

A Look Back at 2022

We looked back at the observations from last year's EcoQuests, and from this project as a whole, and put together some statistics on iNaturalist observations made in NYC during 2022, as well as the results from each EcoQuest.

2022 EcoFlora Year in Review

We want to thank all of the amazing observers and identifiers who have helped to document spontaneous urban plants, while connecting and exchanging knowledge with each other! We hope everyone enjoyed this year’s EcoQuests, and we look forward to 2023. Stay tuned for more EcoQuests, lectures, and field trips!

由使用者 glyptostrob0ides glyptostrob0ides2023年02月03日 16:49 所貼文


Thank you for all your efforts and for putting this document together; it's very interesting.

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