TONIGHT: EcoFlora virtual lecture

Nature Your City: Biodiversity and the Future of New York

Dr. Eric W. Sanderson, Vice President of Urban Conservation, the New York Botanical Garden

Tuesday, June 27, 5:00PM EST


Climate change is re-writing where we can live and work in New York City based on an ancient template: the historical ecology of New York. In this talk, historian, author, and futurist Dr. Eric Sanderson discusses how we must take nature seriously in our decision-making. Nature will save the city if we give it a chance: here’s the recipe how.


Eric W. Sanderson, Ph.D., is the inaugural Vice President of Urban Conservation at the New York Botanical Garden. He earned a Ph.D. in Ecology (1998) and a B.A.S. in English and Biochemistry (1989) from the University of California, Davis. He is the author of the best-selling Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City (Abrams, 2009) and three other books about biodiversity loss and climate change. Sanderson is an optimist, despite his work as a historian, conservation biologist, and urbanist.

由使用者 glyptostrob0ides glyptostrob0ides2023年06月27日 13:22 所貼文


"Tuesday, June 20, 5:00PM EST" I assume this is supposed to be June 27?

發佈由 cofa 超過 1 年 前

@cofa yes, thanks for catching that! hopefully it didnt cause anyone to miss it - either way, we'll have a recording posted to YouTube soon!

發佈由 glyptostrob0ides 超過 1 年 前


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