North side - 09/08/21

Wednesday 9:00 -11:12 am: no newts.
Weather - hot. Air quality wasn't great, even though the numbers on purple air looked good. I skipped my survey last week due to the bad air quality.
Other roadkills: a little piece of lizard - an alligator lizard?
I kept hearing chipmunks calling from everywhere, but I was only able to see one of them.

Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 6 trucks, 17 cars, 9 bikes, 8 pedestrians, and 12 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (2 cars at the far lot). It was very quiet, very few trucks, cars, etc. I saw someone opening the gate to the boat club on my way back. There were very few fishermen and hikers - one car per trailhead (in addition to a few on the first lot).
A link to all my observations of the day -

由使用者 merav merav2021年09月09日 05:08 所貼文


@merav, have you heard anything from Midpen or POST about planned mitigations? Is there any hope that these populations of T. torosa and T. granulosa will survive?

發佈由 truthseqr 超過 2 年 前

I haven't heard anything yet, I hope I didn't miss a board meeting about it.

發佈由 merav 超過 2 年 前


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