South Section - May 10, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024, South Section of Alma Bridge Road
Time: 8:54 am-11:01 am
Weather: Clear skies; no wind; Temperature was 57 degrees F at the beginning of the patrol, and reached 75 degrees F by the end of the patrol
Traffic: Cars=13, trucks=11 (one of which was towing a long flat-bed trailer); parked cars=5; bicycles=7, pedestrians=1, motorcycles=1
Newts: 3 dead, adult newts (1 on reservoir side; 2 on hill side); no juveniles; no live newts
Other findings: Western Alligator lizard

My observations:,Reptilia

由使用者 motherpurina motherpurina2024年05月10日 19:12 所貼文




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