North section - 5/23/2024

Thursday, 9:10-11:00 am. no newts.
Coverage: Jones trailhead to the second stop sign. I walked alone.
Other roadkill: a pregnant fence lizard with its eggs around it, a beetle. I saw a few deer crossing the road - a fawn and a doe.
Traffic - 33 cars, 19 trucks (including SJJJ and PG&E), 0 motorcycles, 11 bikes, 7 pedestrians, 17 parked cars (1 at the Miller parking lot).
My observations of the day -

由使用者 merav merav2024年05月26日 15:57 所貼文


also saw 5 brown pelicans at the reservoir - flying and swimming. They have been seen around CA in unusual spots recently :(

發佈由 merav 4 個月 前


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