Pacific Newt Roadkill (Main Project)- Lexington Reservoir的日誌


Pacific Newt Mortality at Lexington Reservoir - January 2024

The mortality rate this season is about a third of what it was last season. At first, this might sound like a good thing - not as many newts are being killed. However, it really means the population has been significantly reduced and not as many newts are migrating. January usually sees the heaviest newt mortality, but so far this month the team has reported only 25% of what it was last year.

This population is in danger of extirpation!


Updated chart on 2/8/2024.

由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2024年01月26日 15:22 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Excellent Article: "The Newt Normal"

Thanks to @nancyasquith for forwarding the link to this article: "The Newt Normal
Droughts, wildfires, floods, and other extreme weather events are putting an unprecedented strain on California newts..."

由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2023年12月19日 11:52 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Pacific Newt Mortality by Season


Updated April 1, 2023

由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2023年02月16日 14:40 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論


Why is this season's death toll so much higher than previous years?

Below is a chart that shows newt roadkill at Lexington Reservoir from Nov 2017 to the present. Why is the death toll so much higher this season? It's stunning and heartbreaking.


由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2022年03月31日 00:06 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Rough-skinned Newts in British Columbia

Carrie Seltzer recently heard about this other project documenting newts in British Columbia:

由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2022年02月08日 03:35 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Can Citizen Scientists Prevent Another Pacific Newt Massacre?

Cars are annihilating the tiny amphibians.
By Shoshi Parks

由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2022年01月11日 23:05 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


100 public comments!

On Wednesday evening 100 people submitted public comments for the Midpeninsula Open Space District board meeting! You can find more info on our blog here -
Thanks everyone who helped with this effort. If you'd like to be notified of future advocacy needs, sign up here -

由使用者 merav merav2021年12月14日 18:29 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Newt Patrol updates!

A few updates for the 2021-2022 newt migration season:
The season has begun this week after the weekend storm, with 114 dead newts documented on Alma Bridge Rd., You can view them on the new project -
You can find the report on the 2017-2021 data here -
Please help us find other locations with high newt roadkill mortality. If you've seen dead newts on other roads, please add them to this project -
If you'd like to help our team with field surveys, online assistance (ID observation), or advocacy, please PM me.

由使用者 merav merav2021年10月28日 16:25 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


another hotspot - Mt. Um

Apparently, Mt. Um has a newt roadkill problem as well. A friend counted 203 dead newts over 300yds, from the Junction of Hicks and Mt Umunhum Rds heading toward Almaden Res. He reported them here on H.E.R.P. -

由使用者 merav merav2021年09月20日 19:11 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論


Pacific Newt Roadkill - Lexington: End of Season Stats (2020-2021)

Here are the roadkill stats for the 2020-2021 Pacific Newt migration season at Lexington Reservoir:


由使用者 truthseqr truthseqr2021年08月08日 19:46 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論