

Template for follow-up observations

This is a template that I have found useful for adding follow-up observations of the same individual or group of individuals. When you use it, be sure to take away all spaces between the "<" and ">" or it won't work correctly.

Series of observations of the species at the same general location:
< a href="[link to least recent observation]">[date and one of the following additions]< /a>
< a href="[link to most recent observation]">[date and one of the following additions]< /a>

After the date, add one of these.
(same individual)
(same individual or group of individuals)
(not the same individual or group of individuals)

Examples of this format can be found here and here

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由使用者 nathantaylor nathantaylor2018年04月26日 19:20 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

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Please read carefully BEFORE submitting an observation to this project.

The purpose of this project is to create a database of useful observations to help others identify plants photographed without flowers or fruits, or plants that are dead. It is not a place to add photos that you want identification help on. For identification help, you might consider tagging project members that ...更多 ↓

nathantaylor 創建此專案於 2018年01月26日