Returned to see if any of the flowers had formed fruits. Found many examples of this plant in the samel location. Possibly separate male and female plants growing alongside each other.
No fruits observed, instead, what could be supposed to be female flowers had dried up and aborted. New flowers were starting to bud and open. Noticed one flower appeared to have a spent stamen.
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 8734070
Styphelia decussata Hislop, Crayn & Puente-Lel.
First published in Austral. Syst. Bot. 33: 149 (2020)
This species is accepted
Taxandria conspicua subsp. abrupta
Shrub. Leaves clustered, dense clusters of flowers, petals distinctly clawed, stamens arranged 1 opposite each sepal and 1 opposite each petal
Exposed coastal dune dwelling specimen exhibits yellowing and stunted habit growing close to sheltering surface.
Plant 45 cm high; leaves up to 23 mm long by 11 mm wide; inflorescence c. 10 mm in diameter.
Unsure (?) Spyridium globulosum , seeding. Coastal Dunes, White Grey Sand.
Birak / summer
See also other observations of S.globulosum in area in earlier season
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 8599408
Gastrolobium reticulatum (Meisn.) Benth.
First published in Fl. Austral. 2: 99 (1864)
This species is accepted
Growing on sand dunes / cliff on way down to Lights Beach.
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 7406843
Scaevola pulchella Carolin
First published in Telopea 3: 496 (1990)
This species is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 7959397
Scaevola tortuosa Benth.
First published in Fl. Austral. 4: 91 (1868)
This species is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 8788626
Kennedia coccinea subsp. esotera Lally
First published in Nuytsia 20: 211 (2010)
This subspecies is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 7992122
Scaevola amblyanthera var. centralis Carolin
First published in Fl. Australia 35: 333 (1992)
This variety is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 9007245
Frankenia sessilis var. sessilis
This variety is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 8793344
Sesbania simpliciuscula var. fitzroyensis N.T.Burb.
First published in Austral. J. Bot. 13: 133 (1965)
This variety is accepted
Mature fruit 22mm long. Large adult leaf 45mm long 19mm wide stalk about 3mm long. Calyx lobes unequal. Anthers about equal in length to filaments.
Mature fruit 13mm long. Large adult leaf 25mm long 5mm wide very short stalk. Calyx lobes approximately equal silky hairy. Anthers longer than filaments.
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 8793344
Sesbania simpliciuscula var. simpliciuscula
This variety is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 7164610
Tephrosia rosea var. rosea
This variety is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 7164602
Tephrosia rosea var. clementii Domin
First published in Biblioth. Bot. 22(89): 756 (1926)
This variety is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 7160976
Scaevola amblyanthera var. amblyanthera
This variety is accepted
Callitris pyramidalis (Miq.) J.E.Piggin & J.J.Bruhl
Stirling Range Road
Stirling Range National Park
Western Australia
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 9987319
Goodenia laevis subsp. humifusa L.W.Sage
First published in Nuytsia 12: 236 (1998)
This subspecies is accepted
WA Herbarium collection Barcode 8014922
Goodenia collaris (F.Muell.) K.A.Sheph.
First published in PhytoKeys 152: 87 (2020)
This species is accepted