Locally abundant on dry face of coastal promontory with Rytidosperma sp. and Leontodon saxatilis. Achenes 3mm long, cuspis very small, almost lacking.
3 patches found in damp pasture shaded by Podocarpus laetus. Quite a few other plants seen in close proximity that appear to be hybrids between E. pictum and and E. atriplicifolium. There is likely to be more in the area but it appears to be very sparse and has quite exacting micro- habitat preferences. These plants were last seen at this site in the 1970s
One small plant noted in tarn turf communities with Hydrocotyle hydrophila and Myriophyllum pedunculatum subsp. novae-zelandiae.
Beast of a plant! Local on eroding basalt cliffs.
On ultramafic rocks
Scattered on damp gorge walls
New record for New Zealand. Weedy in lawn pathside, locally abundant in shortly mown lawn. 1 x 3 m patch.
Great specific epithet. Growing within ultramafic pavement in the company of Carex uncifolia.
Co-dominant in west-facing exposed coastal turf, with Eryngium vesiculosum as a significant associate.
On ultramafic soils
Ephemeral tarn.
Exciting to finally see it flower now that the lake level has dropped enough to expose some mud and gravels.
Ephemeral tarn.
Tarn margin
At base of boulderfield
In damp runnels on eroding mudstone banks. Good population at this site.
New population on large boulder supposedly out of reach of goats. Specimens with fruit, no flowers seen. 10+ plants.
Good population in a wetland fed by a small spring. Sixteen mile, Shotover Valley.
One of four plants seen. This one had fruit, the others didn't.
Under a light canopy of kahikatea, among Gahnia xanthocarpa, Machaerina juncea, Blechnum etc.
Plant scattered in swamp scrub, mainly on margins. Plants with large amounts of immature capsules.
Old seedhead of dried off fruiting culm. Fairly common in the thicker vegetation of the more stable volcanic sand dunes. However, all specimens seen had died down for the season.
Very scattered. On ultramafic scree. 1200m-1400m
Rare, scattered plants in sedgeland gumland, sitting in a foot of water. Mostly in full flower.
One plant in roadside drain. Full pith and six stamens. Confirmed by Rhys Gardner.
A small patch of plants beside the Thomson Track where it levels off. Growing under scrub.
Id pointers. Awn insertted less than 1mm from top of the lemma, panicle branches with florets to the base, lower glume greater than the lemma, lemma longer than 4mm and awn column tightly twisted.
Myosotis cheesemanii, tight cushion with flowers growing on loose gravelly debris on the upper edge of a snowbank. Petries original collection of this species was from "Mt Pisa Range(6000 ft) on steep faces of shingle above snowdrifts" which pretty much describes the site where these photos were taken.
Uncommon, scattered. In and around marble sink-holes in short tussock grassland with C. oroephila and. C. pallens. Seeding heavily. Taller than C. oreophila and with bronze live leaves and very pale dead ones. Quite an attractive plant.
1300m-1500m elevation
Wetland. The only specimen I found after a good 3 hours search. Was hoping to see a few more after @christopherstephens found 30odd, well done you I was obviously not in the same areas... nice to find one as I was about to leave mind you... =)
Four plants seen at this site. Some obviously browsed or damaged in the past and have become multi-headed
Colonies along roadside ditch on swamp forest margin.
Only one plant found at this site, but a large one.
Ford, K.A. (2007). Two new species of Carex from the calcareous mountains of North-West Nelson. New Zealand Journal of Botany. New Zealand Journal of Botany 45: 721–730.
In limestone boulder field above Lake Jeanette, Matiri Range.
Note pale tipped utricles.
Whole plant photo taken in situ; fruiting heads on plant grown from same location and photographed later
First time I have met this sp. interesting that this place is the stronghold... very cool.
Dark face, boggy ground, under matagouri. Not sure about this species but the habitat seems right.
This taxa has affinities with C. colensoi, however is different from it.
Common in a narrow coastal band or shrubland and forest on steep bluffy areas exposed to high wind and lots of salt. It can grow into a small tree in more sheltered areas.
Tussock grassland, south-facing slope
Common at higher altitudes. Nearing the southern extent of this species. 1100-1500m elevation
A known site for this species. A damp shady site on ultramafic soil with Chionochloa defracta nearby.
A few plants on steep mudstone bank.
Common, especially above bushline in tussock grassland
Single seedling in open pygmy forest on high ridge (1000m) and nutrient-poor granite soils. Can't find a good match in Esler's species list?
First record of this species since its naming. Local in promordial swamp. Hairs on upper surface, pseudocyphellae rare, upper surface scabrid-areolate, phyllidia on margins. Pseudocyphellae on underside.
Off-track on a small, rocky outcrop from the main Old Ghost Road. A few seen at this site.
black spot or Longfin boar fish- is that the same?
juvenile- shy but curious!! around 26m
Same observation and spotted by @lroderick16 https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/65196267