Texas Black Phanaeus I think? Heavily infested with some sort of lice or mites on both it's head and underside. The beetle was frantically raking it's front legs over it's head and blundering into objects. I confess to feeling sorry for the beetle and removing most of the creepy crawlies.
Was shopping in Lowe’s and these sparrows had poked a hole in the seed and having a party!
Three individual Bobcat kittens spent a little more than two hours at this location. The earliest images just before and after 5 am, our scale object is still visible in the shot. A raccoon skull measuring 4 3/8" or 111 mm long. Log has a cotton disc pad nailed to it soaked with pure Vanilla Ext.
Williamson, Co
White Rock lake, Winfrey Point
Texas Death Match In Mid-Air
This is a miracle shot. I found a mature red-tailed hawk perched on the top of a ball field light. I had just focused on the hawk when a 2nd hawk flew into the shot. The first hawk immediately launched an attack. I got one click & it was over. The 2nd hawk, an immature youngster, disappeared & the mature hawk was once again perched on the light. I don't know where the 2nd hawk came from nor where it went. The entire thing happened in a split second. I would never have gotten the shot if I hadn't already had my camera on the mature hawk. The mature hawk is on the bottom with the red tail. The immature hawk still has a striped tail.