Who would guess this is an underground burrows of a Trapdoor spider? Thanks to @myriada
He showed me so many cools bugs~
Growing in Mosses.
Cap - Largest is 1.7 cm diameter. Cap shape is ovate. Cap is smooth, striations at edge caused by gills. Even smallest does not show Partial Veil. Cap lighter at top.
Stipe - Much longer than cap is wide ( variable ), fibrous, thin, uniform width. I could see a small bit of mycelium at the base.
Gills - Brown like cap. Adnate. Subdistant to Distant, deep. Distant complete gill with several shorter partial gills between.
Spore Print - Looked black but might be very dark brown-purple.
Staining - no change of color with cut or bruised.
Odor - mild mushroom
Spore Sizes - Description
Ellipsoid, Smooth, Thick-walled, Apical pore,
[20/1/1] L (-5.5) 6.1 – 7.1 (-) μm x W (-3.7) 4.2 – 4.8 (-4.9) μm, (L = 6.6 μm, W = 4.4 μm), Q (-1.35) 1.42 – 1.58 (-1.60), Q = 1.50 Ellipsoid
Microscopic features - It was difficult to see details as everything was covered by dense layers of spores. I could only tell that the paellas was not cellular and had no gelatinized material.
I could see filiform Cheilocystidida a the gill tip. See image.
It appeared the basidia held 4 spores.
Genus - Formerly Genus Psilocybe but non-staining species moved to Genus Deconica
note blueing at base of larger FB
Substrate: on well decomposed wood in sandy soil
Habitat: riparian “Tucumano-Boliviano” alder forest (Alnus acuminatus)
Ecoregion: Bolivian Yungas (NT0105)
Collectors: D. Newman, P. Kaishian, D. Ettlinger, I. Cuba Pinto, T. Padilla Albis, A.I. Echeverría Rojas, M.Á. Centellas Levy, N. Gonzales San Miguel, P.A. Angulo Salazar, S. Ochoa Bustillos & A. Sandoval
Collection #: SEHU005
Collected during the 2nd Expedición Micológica de la Sociedad Micológica de Bolivia, with support from Eduardo Morales and the Herbario Criptogámico of Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo (UCBSP).
20-07-2021, Coelemu, Región de Ñuble.
Entoloma pseudonothofagi
ID: Dr. Götz Palfner