old and nasty
Growing on decaying white oak stump
Mesic, sandy slope in open oak woodland. The dominant sedge is oak sedge (Carex pensylvanica).
WDV 295
Under maple and hemlock at the sandy margin of an organic maple slough.
Mycelium consistently white.
WDV 322
In mesic, sandy-gravelly oak woodland under red oak (Quercus rubra) and witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana). Deep duff layer.
WDV 369
Dry-mesic, sandy forest under hickory, oak, and maple.
WDV 381
Few, in mesic, sandy loamy beech-poplar forest.
WDV 406
Growing abundantly on hardwood leaves.
WDV 417
On the ground under red and white pines. Dry, gravelly till ridge.
Spores inamyloid (Melzer's -). Odor mild, taste indistinct.
Second photo is dried specimens under UV.
WDV 455
Scattered in moist-mesic sandy soil under hemlocks and beech.
WDV 465
Growing in a deep bed of white pine needles (Pinus strobus) in mixed oak-pine woodland.
WDV 335
In a sand barren with grasses (Poaceae), asters and goldenrods (Astereae), and near poplars (Populus sp.).
WDV 360
Looks like A. placomyces but much smaller, more delicate. Stipe stained yellow after collecting.
Under oaks in a mature oak-hickory forest.
WDV 331