期刊歸檔用於 2014年5月


Treasure Hunt

It took longer than I thought to find the plants people had seen a year ago in March. I ended up giving up on some of them and instead opting for ones I saw. An example of what I mean is that I was looking for red flowering currant, but I could not find it. I think this was because it was removed and replaced with another plant since there has been reconstruction in the same area since then. It was also difficult finding the common vetch near north gate, because it is summer and a lot of areas are drying out. But I ended up finding the common vetch it was by the school of journalism building. I tried finding the muskey stark's bill (215906), the western redbud (220559), and the bur clover (216551) but I did not find them at all. I saw a couple of plants that I hoped were muskey stark's bill and the western redbud, it's just the leaves did not fit the species. I did not see anything like the bur clover, I think it's perhaps further north than Berkeley's north gate. In trying to find these other plants, I came across the little robin, the English plantain, English daisy, and the Indian strawberry. The Nasturtium and the English daisy were the easiest to find since they are very common weeds.

由使用者 almanzacamille almanzacamille2014年05月13日 23:09 所貼文 | 7 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
