期刊歸檔用於 2017年6月


Cape Ann Area Naturalists Meetup Group

Hi members of the Cape Ann Natural History project!
@aredoubles @gaudettelaura @jim_macdougall @jlayman @robertbuchsbaum31 @srullman @wildlifefinder

If you live around the North Shore, I wanted to let you know about a Meetup group we just started called Cape Ann Area Naturalists (https://www.meetup.com/Cape-Ann-Area-Naturalists/). It's for anyone who wants to explore, learn, share knowledge of local wildlife around different parks, conservation land, beaches etc. on the north shore. We hosted our first meetup a few weeks ago at Chebacco Woods in Hamilton/Wenham and found some cool stuff! We had folks with mixed interests and experience levels, so learned a lot from each other.

If you have any questions or are interested, give me a shout here on iNat or via the Meetup group.

Amy (alorenz)

由使用者 alorenz alorenz2017年06月02日 20:24 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Stay Involved with the City Nature Challenge

Greetings Boston CNC participants!

We hope you are enjoying the summer weather, the singing birds, blooming plants, and active insects. Thanks again for contributing your observations in the City Nature Challenge! With your help, Boston achieved:
3945 observations
748 species
262 participants

While we did not finish in the top 3, Boston did a fantastic job finding wildlife after a long, cold winter and spring! Compared to the same five days last year, we made over 27x as many observations and documented 9 times as many species. Nearly 1,900 observations of 450 species reached "research grade" status and will flow to open biodiversity platforms: observation data to Global Biodiversity Information Facility and images to the Encyclopedia of Life.

And across the country, the 5 days of the CNC were the BIGGEST days in iNaturalist history. For the 16 participating cities, the totals were:
125,819 observations (whoa!)
8,636 species
4,246 people
You can read the full results here.

Next year, the CNC will go INTERNATIONAL! If you want to continue building your naturalist skills or just spend more time outdoors, here are a few ideas to stay involved:

Stay tuned for updates on the 2018 City Nature Challenge to compete against cities around the world and contribute to our understanding of global biodiversity!

由使用者 alorenz alorenz2017年06月13日 14:44 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
