期刊歸檔用於 2017年5月


NABS ~ Bodega Harbor (Golf Course Beach) #3 4/29/17

I noticed a lot more irises have flowered. On this visit, I also wandered around on the paths meandering around the golf course. There, I was able to find some more species that I hadn't noticed before. The Quercus agrifolia leaves have started to darken. Dandelions are beginning to spread all over the hills.

由使用者 anjaw anjaw2017年05月09日 05:16 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

NABS ~ Bodega Harbor (Golf Course Beach) #4 5/5/17

Today I was able to find a lot more plants that I hadn't seen before. I found some Dudleya farinosa growing on the hillside, which was very exciting. The Pride of Madeira all grew significantly from my last visit. Many more of them were flowering. I am glad that I chose this area for my natural area botanical study as I was able to key out a lot of plants that I see almost everyday and still didn't know the names of.

由使用者 anjaw anjaw2017年05月09日 05:26 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
