
Lunt and Martin Mere

Just enjoyed a nice day out, and felt like it would be an OK first journal post...

Went to Lunt Meadows first, where a confiding reed warbler and pair of 2nd year Mediterranean gulls were the bird highlights, whilst small copper and wall were the best butterflies. My absolute favourite, however, was a beautiful green carpet disturbed just as I was leaving! A lot of the gulls were quite close, so I also enjoyed watching some immature lesser black-backed and herrings.

Martin Mere was lovely as always, although being dive-bombed by a Canada goose wasn't necessarily expected. Some common terns were my first for the year, and a 1st year Med gull made a brief appearance, as did the more predictable pair (an adult with a 2nd year). The reedbed walk had plenty of warblers, as well as some pochard, a pair of great-crested grebes, and a brimstone butterfly. After a close encounter with a marsh harrier, I ended the day with 62 species of bird and 8 butterflies.

由使用者 apricaria apricaria2022年05月07日 19:45 所貼文 | 12 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
