期刊歸檔用於 2024年1月


January - South Florida - Nature Calendar

January - South Florida - Nature Calendar

Bald Eagles here

Eastern Indigo Snakes breed from Oct-Feb. During this time the snakes are found in sandhills and, although this is the peak of winter, indigo snakes are active at temps (50-60 F) that are typically too cool for other snake species.

Jan at the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge: Many bird groups spend the winter season at the Refuge. Many raptor species can be seen foraging over the wetlands or in the trees, including resident and migratory red-shouldered hawks. Hundreds of American robins, cedar-waxwings, and tree swallows are sometimes foraging in trees. Winter warblers such as prairie, orange-crowned, yellow-rumped warblers, northern water thrush, and ovenbirds also are found.

Early January:

01.09: I have a Turtle (Cooter) laying eggs video on YouTube. I took it on the Ibis Trail.

Late January:

31 Jan 2016: I shot a Bobcat video on YouTube

由使用者 arthur-windsor arthur-windsor2024年01月28日 11:14 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
