
Trip to a nearby forest

Went to a somewhat nearby forest, and found a whole bunch of Dryopteris carthusiana, Dryopteris dilatata, Dryopteris filix-mas, Athyrium filix-femina And a couple other ones.

Also saw a deer there, I was absolutely baffled, I didn't even know they lived here. You see them alot in the East of Belgium, but in the centre was quite remarkable, to me atleast.

Just walking and listening to the birds on its own is the most relaxing feeling there is.

Was a great day, I will be going back soon.

由使用者 belgianferns belgianferns2022年04月24日 16:55 所貼文 | 46 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


excursion to Munich

28/03 - 01/04

A five day trip to Munich filled with activities, such as hiking in the Alpes.
I wasn't planning on seeing any ferns, since it wasn't a botanical trip.

It sure was a pleasant surprise hearing we were gonna visit the Alpes, as I knew there were gonna be some gorgeous ferns there. And it didn't disappoint.

Also found a couple in Munich itself.

Didn't photograph every fern, as we needed to move on, because we were in a group of 48. Still managed to get atleast one picture of every species I saw.

Beautiful place, would 100% recommend.

I don't remember where exactly I went, but the general location was Garmisch Partenkirchen.

由使用者 belgianferns belgianferns2022年04月01日 20:57 所貼文 | 20 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
