期刊歸檔用於 2017年9月


TAW Devine Lake September 2017

A nice evening except for the mosquitoes. Post hurricane Harvey the lake is higher than last month, the areas that were totally dry are now under water again. A nice crowd came out tonight and one new comer. Reggie, Kathy, Meghan, Sandy and Randy, Christine, and Mike (welcome!).

We had 4 species of frog. The Rio Grande Leopard frogs were especially active tonight calling early at a C=2. Blanchard Cricket Frogs were at a C=3 and we had 2 American Bullfrogs calling back and forth at C=1. Toward the end of the evening on the north side of the lake Green Tree Frogs could be heard in the distance at a C=3. There were 2 small Blanchard Cricket Frogs seen along the shore of the lake and one Gulf Coast Toad seen on the road as we were leaving the park. We also were treated to a Great Horned Owl (juvenile) calling from the tree top for food.

由使用者 bethd bethd2017年09月03日 04:05 所貼文 | 7 個觀察記錄 | 3 評論 | 留下評論