期刊歸檔用於 2023年6月


National Moth Week Event July 30

Hey everyone! I just wanted to gauge interest on having a mothing/blacklighting event at the Lhoist Clifton limestone quarry where I run a biodiversity program. We are just south of Clifton, TX off of Hwy 6 and down FM 2602. https://goo.gl/maps/c65LFn7qgADKxWsj7
Project link https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/lhoist-clifton-biodiversity
Habitat types are upland prairie, limestone escarpments, wooded canyons, and shallow wetlands. There is a good place for parking and setting up lights along a gravel road. There are a couple of outlets, but no restrooms and nowhere to stay the night.

Set for July 30th!!

We'll meet at 5pm and stay till whenever.


由使用者 bosqueaaron bosqueaaron2023年06月29日 21:28 所貼文 | 46 評論 | 留下評論