BioBlitz in Northern Michigan - July 1st!

I want to invite you (and any friends/family/colleagues) to Little Traverse Conservancy's 2nd annual BioBlitz in Emmet County! It would be fun to join with others from the iNaturalist community at this event (Special call out to some people who've made observations in MI: @jokurtz @koinpro @tkoffel @makielb @nathan20 @lincoln @rangersara @bvanderweide @birdtrekker @desertdutchman @rroutledge @dmh @jwalewski @patrick062011 @kfsaylor @graystev @cathymtp @wordenwood @ericafrales @wgibson @crzirbel @johnnycanuck). I hope to see you there and please feel free to spread the word to all you think would be interested. We will be using iNaturalist to document observations and will hopefully introduce more folks to the iNat world. Our BioBlitz will take place Saturday, July 1st 6am-midnight at our Philip J. Braun Nature Preserve in Pellston, MI.

Map link:,-84.824084,14.25z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4d4a7c0ea634458f:0x163edcf458a29265!2sRobinson+Rd,+Pellston,+MI+49769!3b1!8m2!3d45.5516357!4d-84.8570795!3m4!1s0x0:0x98e7a46abd7f7125!8m2!3d45.5449517!4d-84.7942829?hl=en

Please feel free to contact me or Cacia Lesh (231-344-1002, cacia at with any questions.

Happy Exploring!


由使用者 calloftheloon calloftheloon2017年06月23日 15:16 所貼文


I love doing a BioBlitz, however, we are already committed to a Butterfly count in Washtenaw County that day. Thanks for the invite, and keep me in mind in the future.


發佈由 makielb 超過 7 年 前

I wish I could go! Sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun! Thanks for the invite!!!

發佈由 ken-potter 超過 7 年 前


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