
Papers and other interesting identification aides

Eutreta diana - https://ttu-ir.tdl.org/bitstream/handle/2346/12374/31295010795903.pdf
Singing Insects: Crickets, Katydids and Cicadas: https://orthsoc.org/sina/index.htm

Useful Cerambycid Links

Old Cerambycid Catalog by Dr. Larry G. Bezark
New Cerambycid Catalog by Dr. Larry G. Bezark
Website to determine Subfamily
Cerambycoidea Gallery by @vitalfranz
Cerambycidae: Lamiinae Catalog by Jean-Philippe Roguet

How to tell if a fly is a Lonchaeidae: https://lonchaeidae.myspecies.info/node/2707

Underwing moths (Catocala)

Key to Scollid wasps

Key to Eleodes

由使用者 christopherrustay christopherrustay2023年03月27日 20:54 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Interesting Links to Tools

Shamelessly taken from Eric Maxwell's (@hydrophilus) profile:

Heat map of my observations:

Some of Maxwell's favorite iNat queries and tools:

General wiki on using iNat URL tools:

View your least-observed taxa - This is essentially a tool to show you the rarest taxa that you've observed. It generates a list of your observed taxa sorted by the least number of observations on iNat: https://elias.pschernig.com/wildflower/leastobserved.html?user=christopherrustay&user2=

Unobserved in my state (NM), with open geoprivacy and open taxon geoprivacy, and with position accuracy <50m. This is a great way to find species you haven't seen yet:

Streak finder - see your top ten longest observation streaks on iNat:

View your Maverick IDs:

由使用者 christopherrustay christopherrustay2023年03月21日 01:30 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Additional resources, shamelessly pulled from henicorhina's profile

Oaks of the world: oaks.of.the.world.free.fr/generalites_chenes.htm
Southwestern USA biodiversity databases, including floras: https://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/index.php
Key to Largus bugs: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/254683#page/48/mode/1up
Soapberry bugs: http://soapberrybug.org/01_cms/details.asp?ID=2
Club Chollas of the Big Bend region: http://www.phytoneuron.net/2016Phytoneuron/1PhytoN-Corynopuntia.pdf
Key to Oecanthus tree crickets in the USA: https://orthsoc.org/sina/g576a.htm

How to use iNat url search: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki-part-2-of-2/18792

Other iNat user profiles with lots of good resources
Russell Pfau (lots of Texas-specific invertebrates): https://www.inaturalist.org/people/pfau_tarleton

由使用者 christopherrustay christopherrustay2023年03月06日 19:39 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論



Links to interesting Guides

Probably should have started this earlier but no time like the present as I continue to learn about creatures "small and smaller" around me!

From Daniel McCloskey: https://www.inaturalist.org/people/ddennism
Leaf Bunch Galls on Goldenrods - ID Guide:

Catalog of Insect Galls on Goldenrods:

NM Grasshopper manual NMSU

由使用者 christopherrustay christopherrustay2023年01月01日 05:21 所貼文

Links to interesting

Probably should have started this earlier but no time like the present as I continue to learn about creatures "small and smaller" around me!

From Daniel McCloskey
Leaf Bunch Galls on Goldenrods - ID Guide:

Catalog of Insect Galls on Goldenrods:

由使用者 christopherrustay christopherrustay2023年01月01日 05:20 所貼文
