期刊歸檔用於 2023年10月


Windows keyboard shortcuts.

There are a few common species in your area that always come up very often. You know its identity in a split of a second. However, the scientific names or common names are very long. On the computer, we use the Copy and Paste method using the mouse to enter the names. The 2 keyboard shortcuts below may be useful.



To optimise the time, I open a WordPad document, put ten names into the document. The names are spaced and enlarged to facilitate easy copy and paste. I'll go to iNat's Identify tab and filter by my country and/or the type of organism. Those you know instantly, you can agree by clicking agree. There are those that needs to suggest ID. It will be by toggling between the Wordpad document and iNat's identify screen. It is possible to Copy and Paste the names of some very common species from an online reference such as from Wikipedia, internet websites, Plants of the World Online, Local University's articles, or from iNat itself. By putting the names into a Wordpad document, it saves time.

Just thinking about this only. By using the mouse to Copy and paste, or [CONTROL] +C, [CONTROL]+ V, it is several clicks. If there can be an app that is a one click and it stores the name in the cache memory, that will be faster. I've lost touch with tech stuff. Perhaps there are software out there that can load names in one click of a thumbnail image, or have fast selection from a list of several names. I think I'll just stick to the Wordpad document.

Just a thought that comes to my mind. Trivial stuff.

由使用者 chugbug111 chugbug1112023年10月27日 05:38 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
