期刊歸檔用於 2019年8月


Unhappy people

Recently someone here on INat did a cut and past on multiple observations of mine
Complaining that I do to many observations of the same thing
Because I or me and two other people spent a day driving 60 miles
To log ponderosa pines
Well I guess they were unhappy that I did this and decided
To do a cut and paste crying that it wasn’t fair !!!!
That I had done this !!!!!
My response is get out and do your own observations
When I saw there profile and noticed they were from Brazil
I was like WTF is your problem, why are you complaining
Because I get out and do observations of pine trees ???
I still don’t understand why they are complaining is it about
At first I thought maybe a troll account ???
Or another idiot who sits on there ass and complains
And won’t go out and explore
The crazy thing is they are from one of the most
Bio Diverse areas on the planet
All I can say is I envy you
And get a damn life


由使用者 ck2az ck2az2019年08月03日 05:40 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論