期刊歸檔用於 2022年3月



list of pre-written responses because I can't remember where to find them otherwise


most used

Add an Identification

It's preferable only to use these comments on observations by new users, as there are many reasons why an experienced user may not add an ID to their observations. Here's a link to unidentified observations by people who joined iNaturalist in the past 3 weeks.

Option 1: Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! Even if you don't know the exact species of what you have observed, you can search for and select a higher level identification, such as "plants (kingdom Plantae)" or "insects (class Insecta)". Many people helping identify observations on iNaturalist filter the observations by the group of species they know how to ID (like plants or insects), so observations with a blank ID like this one will be excluded from those filtered searches. Selecting a general ID helps funnel your observation to someone who may know what they're looking at, and that way it can get identified sooner. Here is a video tutorial for the mobile app: https://vimeo.com/162581545

Option 2 (general/coarse ID added): I'm not quite sure which species this is, but this general identification will help other people who might know the species find your observation. Many people helping identify observations on iNaturalist filter the observations by the group of species they know how to identify, like "plants" or "insects", and this general ID will help them find it more quickly. If you're interested in learning more about how identifications progress on iNaturalist, you can read more here: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/getting+started#identify

Option 3 (subject unclear): Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! I've been helping identify observations that aren't yet identified as any organism at all. Which organism are you focusing on in this observation? I've added this identification for now, but let me know if you were focusing on a different organism here. Thanks!

由使用者 corunastylis corunastylis2022年03月31日 00:28 所貼文
