期刊歸檔用於 2019年9月


Galveston Island!

I haven't done much iNatting lately, and that's because it's been way too hot. Last week it got up to 106! I've spend time indoors making IDs instead.

However, a month from now, I'm going on a vacation to Galveston Island to make as many observations as possible! Birds, seashells, you name it! I'm going to spend a whole day at one of the fishing piers to get those saltwater fish observations. I've never tried saltwater fishing before, so it will be a learning experience.

由使用者 cosmiccat cosmiccat2019年09月15日 02:12 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Longview's Master Trail Plan

Longview plans to build a giant ADA accessible trail system that goes all over the city. Last month, a new mile of trail opened, connecting Akin Park to the Cargill Long Park trailhead.


I decided to iNat this trail section over a period of three days, making 150+ observations, or about 50 per day. Whew! I focused mainly on plants, since they are easiest to photograph---plants can't run away. I found some plants that I haven't found in Longview, and unfortunately, most of them were invasives. On the third day, I looked for pollinators and found some wonderful new bugs.

While 150+ observations is a lot, I'm sure the number would be way higher if I swept the grass for bugs, did some mothing, or searched for lichens.

My next iNat adventure is another new trail system, Blackhawk Creek in Whitehouse, TX. https://ntxtrails.com/mtb-trails/blackhawk-creek-hike-and-bike-trail-whitehouse/

由使用者 cosmiccat cosmiccat2019年09月23日 02:00 所貼文 | 3 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論