期刊歸檔用於 2024年9月


First Inaturalist Nature Walk

My walk was located just outside of Boston College by the Chestnut Hill driveway and the area by the reservoir and that’s adjacent to the driveway. I explored a little into the woods a little bit but was too hard to navigate due to the fallen branches and uneven ground. The weather was amazing as it was nice and warm and sunny which made it the perfect day to walk around.

This is my first nature walk and my first Inaturalist walk. I enjoyed the walk a lot more than I expected. I walked way more than the minimum requirement of 30 minutes. I found myself looking at trees and looking for wild organisms despite the fear I had. I was avoiding all the insects and many rough paths due to the improper gear I had. It was nice to look at nature and being in a different environment with leaves falling and small animals roaming around.

I was most fascinated by this large gray and brown bird but was unable to get a good photo due to how fast they were. There was a small hamster or squirrel that had a striped brown and black back that was extremely sensitive to sound and agile. It burrowed between the fallen tree trunks and ran around small and tight crevices to escape. Throughout this entire walk, I was looking for animals and trying to be as silent as possible. Despite my efforts many of them were too agile. Overall, the walk allowed for a breath of fresh air and was enjoyable.

由使用者 dhuangava917 dhuangava9172024年09月27日 20:45 所貼文 | 7 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
