期刊歸檔用於 2023年3月


Podalyria - ID key from Podalyria project

Key to species of Podalyria
The species are often hard to identify because many features are variable. To identify species, flowers, buds, and particularly bracts must be photographed.

Bracts are crucial, but in many species the bracts are shed, which poses a problem.
The length of the flower stalk relative to leaves is often useful, but must be for open flowers as it changes as the flowers open.
Leaf shape and size is not really useful, because it is often different for immediate coppice after a fire, and on mature branches.
Leaf hairiness is useful, but leaves and stems of coppice after a fire are usually more hairy and woolly.
The key uses some relative measurements (great for when users forget to include a scale). It will help if you premeasure:

leaf length vs width;
flower stalk from base to bract (peduncle) to flower (pedicel), relative to its subtending leaf;
sepal tube length vs lobe length.

Bract forming a cap, which usually remains on the tip of the bud until anthesis when it is shed; shrubs tall, woody, usually tree-like, often > 3 m tall when mature ... Podalyria calyptrata Cap Capesweetpea
1' Bract not cap-like; shrubs usually smaller, less than 3 m tall (but P. lanceolata does) ... goto 2.

Calyx about half the length of the keel or less ... goto 3.
2' Calyx longer than half the length of the keel ... goto 7.

Bract broadly ovate, 5-8 mm broad; calyx lobes rounded, covered with short thick, tightly curled hairs, often dark rusty-brown when dried ... Podalyria argentea Wedgeleaf Capesweetpea
3' Bract oblanceolate to obovate, less than 3 mm broad; calyx lobes triangular, acuminate, covered with thin, straight hairs ... goto 4.

Leaves elliptic to narrowly elliptic, upper leaf surface glabrous (if hairy, then soon glabrescent); Nieuwoudtville-Gifberg ... Podalyria pearsonii Bokkeveld Capesweetpea
4' Leaves obovate; upper leaf surface suky sericeous or glabrous; widely distributed (Clanwilliam-Peninsula-Grahamstown) ... goto 5.

Peduncle much longer (at least 1.5 times or usu. > 2 as long) than subtending leaf at anthesis; leaves small (usu. < 10 mm long), upper leaf surface often glabrous or glabrescent ... Podalyria microphylla Renoster Capesweetpea
5' Peduncle shorter to slightly longer than (< 1.5 times the length) the subtending leaf at anthesis; upper leaf surface silky sericeous ... goto 6.

Calyx lobes as long as or slightly longer than the tube; peduncle usually as long as or shorter than the subtending leaf, rarely slightly longer; standard width 13-22(-24) mm ... Podalyria myrtillifolia Myrtle Capesweetpea
6' Calyx lobes at least twice as long as the tube; peduncle usually longer than the subtending leaf, rarely shorter; standard width 25-31 mm ... Podalyria leipoldtii Showy Capesweetpea

Leaf shape linear to elliptic-oblong, margins revolute; upper leaf surface shiny and glabrescent ... goto 8.
7' Leaf shape broadly elliptic, ovate to almost circular, margins flat; upper leaf surface hairy or glabrescent ... goto 9.

Flowers magenta; bract ±1 mm broad; peduncle as long as or longer than the subtending leaf .... Podalyria buxifolia Box Capesweetpea
8' Flowers pink and white; bract 5-6 mm broad; peduncle shorter than the subtending leaf ... Podalyria oleifolia Willow Cape Sweetpea

Calyx tube with a split (disruption) between the upper two lobes at anthesis ... goto 10.
9' Calyx tube without a split between upper two lobes at anthesis ... goto 15.

Pedicel short (<2 mm long) ... goto 11.
10' Pedicel longer than 3 mm ... goto 12.

Apex of bract rounded, becoming torn as bud increases in size; bract 14-16 mm broad, venation indistinct; calyx densely pubescent ... Podalyria rotundifolia Fatleaf Capesweetpea
11' Apex of bract mucronate, not becoming torn as bud increases in size; bract 6-14 mm broad (rarely less), usually with prominent venation; calyx densely tomentose .... Podalyria burchellii Hairy Capesweetpea

Leaves lanceolate, upper surface pubescent; petiole 3-4 mm long; nonsprouting arborescent shrub up to 4 m tall ... Podalyria lanceolata Langeberg Capesweetpea
12' Leaves ovate to almost circular, upper surface woolly, sericeo-tomentose or sparsely hairy to glabrescent; petiole +2 mm long; sprouting, multistemmed shrubs up to 3 m tall ... goto 13.

Leaves broadly ovate with base distinctly cordate, densely woolly on both surfaces .... Podalyria cordata Heart Capesweetpea
13' Leaves obovate, broadly elliptic to almost circular with base cunéate to rounded (if rarely ovate then the base not cunéate), sericeo-tomentose or sparsely hairy to glabrescent (at least on the upper surface) ... goto 14.

Apex of bract rounded, becoming torn as bract enlarges; leaves with slightly recurved margins (when mature), upper surface sparsely hairy to glabrescent; inflorescence mostly 1-flowered .... Podalyria orbicularis Splitbract Capesweetpea
14' Apex of bract acuminate, not becoming torn as bud enlarges; leaves flat (when mature), upper surface sericeo-tomentose, sometimes glabrescent; inflorescence mostly 1(-2)-flowered .... Podalyria hirsuta Felt Capesweetpea

Bract broadly ovate to depressed ovate, 5-12 mm broad; calyx covered with long, shaggy and thick curly hairs, reddish-brown when dried ... Podalyria variabilis Confusing Capesweetpea
15' Bract oblanceolate, less than 4 mm broad; calyx sericeous ... goto 16.

Bract 5-9 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm broad; calyx lobes lanceolate with the margins often wavy and a golden sheen color; flowers well exposed above the green leaves ... Podalyria biflora Creeping Capesweetpea
16' Bract 3-4 mm long, ± 1 mm broad; calyx lobes narrowly triangular with the margins flat and silvery; flowers almost hidden amongst the silvery, silky hairy leaves Podalyria sericea Silver Capesweetpea

Posted on March 14, 2023 11:18 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo

It helps to note that the genus has two sections:
Villosa with a split on the calyx tube top, and the calyx lobes bending backwards (reflexed)
Podalyria without the split.

Posted by tonyrebelo 1 day ago

Diagnostic features:: These are what you should try and get in your pictures.

.1. Habit: (0) tall woody shrubs (1) small shrubs or spreading shrublets,
.2. Leaf margins: (0) flat (1) slightly recurved (2) strongly recurved,
.3. Leaf upper surface vestiture: (0) hairy (1) glabrescent to completely glabrous,
.4. Leaf venation: (0) distint (1) indistinct,
.5. Leaf vestiture: (0) not silky sericeous (1) silky sericeous.
.6. Leaf apex: (0) flat or concave (1) reflexed.
.7. Leaf petiole: (0) absent (1) present,
.8. Bract width: (0) broad (> 4 mm wide) (1) narrow (< 4 mm wide),
.9. Bract apex becoming torn as bud develops: (0) not torn (1) becoming torn when bud develops,
.10. Bract persistence: (0) noncaducous (1) caducous,
.11. Sterile bracts: (0) present ( 1 ) absent,
.12. Inflorescence rachis extension: (0) present (2) absent,
.13. Flower number: (0) 4 or more (1) 2 or 4 (2) 1 or 2 rarely more.
.14. Calyx lobe length: (0) more than twice as long as the tube (1) less than twice as long as the tube,
.15. Calyx length vs keel length: (0) as long as keel (1) about half the length of keel (2) shorter than half the length of keel,
.16. Calyx disruption (split) between upper lobes: (0) absent (1) present,
.17. Calyx lobes orientation at anthesis: (0) not reflexed (1) reflexed,
.18. Pods: (0) inflated (1) not inflated,
.19. Number of nectar wells: (0) 2 (1) 1 (rarely absent in P, buxifolia only), (2) 0,
.20. Anthocyanins: (0) absent (1) present..

Posted by tonyrebelo about 22 hours ago

Sectional Differences:

Villosa: tall woody shrubs; leaf apex flat or concave; leaf venation distinct; bract width > 4mm; calyx split

Podalyria: small shrubs or spreading shrublets; leaf apex reflexed, leaf venation indistinct, calyx smooth (not split); calyx lobes not reflexed

Unique features:

.* Leaf margins slightly recurved: P. orbicularis
.* Leaf upper surface vestiture hairless or becoming so: P. orbicularis
.* Bract apex becoming torn as bud develops: P. orbicularis, rotundifolia, calyptrata
.* Calyx lobes reflexed - all except P. burchellii

.* Pods not inflating: P. buxifolia & oleifolia
.* Leaf vestiture: silky sericeous. P. sericea, leipoldtii, myrtifolia, microphylla, pearsonii
.* Leaf upper surface vestiture hairless or becoming so: P. buxifolia & oleifolia
.* Leaf margins: strongly recurved: P. buxifolia & oleifolia
.* Bract width (< 4 mm wide): all except P. oleifolia, argenteus, variabilis
.* Calyx length about half the keel length: P. argentea & leipoldtii
.* Calyx length shorter than half the keel length: P. myrtifolia, microphylla, pearsonii
.* Calyx lobe less than twice as long as the tube: P. leipoldtii, myrtifolia, microphylla, pearsonii

Posted by tonyrebelo about 21 hours ago

Common mistakes (as per iNat: 15 March).

Clearly, there are lots of misidentifications in this genus. Most people "know" the common Cap Capesweetpea but some of the rarer species are poorly known. Still there is lots of confusion. This illustrates the extent of the confusion, but also, what mistakes not to make.

number is instances so far:

Podalyria calyptrata Cap Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
35 Podalyria myrtill... / 22 Podalyria variabilis / 11 Podalyria sericea / 8 Podalyria burchellii / 5 Polygala myrtifolia / 3 Podalyria oleifolia / 3 Podalyria rotundi... /
3 Podalyria buxifolia / 3 Podalyria argentea 2 Podalyria biflora / 2 Virgilia oroboides

Podalyria sericea Silver Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
18 Podalyria myrtill... / 11 Podalyria calyptrata / 7 Podalyria hirsuta / 3 Podalyria burchellii

Podalyria myrtillifolia Myrtle Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
35 Podalyria calyptrata / 18 Podalyria sericea / 15 Podalyria burchellii / 6 Podalyria buxifolia / 5 Podalyria variabilis / 4 Polygala myrtifolia / 2 Podalyria biflora

Podalyria burchellii Hairy Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
15 Podalyria myrtill.../ 14 Podalyria buxifolia / 8 Podalyria calyptrata / 5 Podalyria hirsuta / 3 Podalyria sericea / 2 Podalyria biflora

Podalyria buxifolia Box Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
14 Podalyria burchellii / 6 Podalyria myrtill... / 3 Podalyria calyptrata

Podalyria biflora Creeping Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
2 Podalyria burchellii / 2 Podalyria calyptrata / 2 Podalyria myrtill...

Podalyria oleifolia Willow Cape Sweetpea
mistaken as:
3 Podalyria calyptrata

Podalyria microphylla Renoster Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
1 Podalyria argentea / 1 Podalyria sericea / 1 Dipogon lignosus

Podalyria hirsuta Felt Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
7 Podalyria sericea / 5 Podalyria burchellii / 2 Podalyria cordata

Podalyria variabilis Confusing Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
22 Podalyria calyptrata / 5 Podalyria myrtill...

Podalyria argentea Wedgeleaf Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
3 Podalyria calyptrata

Podalyria rotundifolia Fatleaf Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
3 Podalyria calyptrata

Podalyria cordata Heart Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
2 Podalyria hirsuta

Podalyria leipoldtii Showy Capesweetpea
no misIDs

Podalyria pearsonii Bokkeveld Capesweetpea
no misIDs

Podalyria orbicularis Splitbract Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
1 Podalyria burchellii / 1 Podalyria cordata

Podalyria lanceolata Langeberg Capesweetpea
mistaken as:
1 Podalyria calyptrata

You can see these on the taxon page: e.g. https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/449272-Podalyria-calyptrata click on the Similar Species tab.

Posted by tonyrebelo about 3 hours ago (Flag)

由使用者 evieb evieb2023年03月15日 13:27 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論