期刊歸檔用於 2021年10月


Layer upon layer

Layer upon layer the world exists. Like a painting or a song, this world is so beautiful and so complex. Melodies and notes, color, textures, light and darkness. Layer upon layer the colors grow, change, and add to the living place that is our world. Even the rocks are polished by the wind and the waves, colored by minerals, temperature, and time.
What would this all look like if we could see it all at once yet watch the layers be added second by second? What would it sound like if we could hear it all, see it all, and more deeply understand it all? Would I be grateful for the annoyance of a mosquito if I could follow it and watch become part of the picture, eaten by a dragonfly, then changed into a morsel of life that a red-wing blackbird would use. Travel with it as it migrates to the south, a part of a chorus to herald the changing seasons, then passed on in the proteins of an egg that would become another generation of blackbirds, or deposited to form food for a raspberry patch, layers upon layers passed along in time.
What are we in this mosaic of life. Sometimes the word "observer" fits, yet we observe such a small part of it all and are active in laying down layers ourselves in this world. Sometimes I like to think of us all as one color or texture in the tapestry. Like a note in the melody, the song would not be the same without us, yet we are not the song. We are but a note, a pause, a shade of green, a ray of light, a piece of salt, a branch, a seed. Layer after layer this world exists...every part connected to the whole.

由使用者 friendofnature2 friendofnature22021年10月21日 13:46 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論