
Turkeys Roosting - more than a half dozen!

I've been watching the turkeys around our neighborhood - and there are lots of them! Likely nearly 2 dozen within a 1/4-1/2 mile radius.

On a sunny day in the Spring, I see the males warming in the sun, and then puffing out to display themselves when a female comes along! Then within 2 months we'll likely see many poults learning to fly up onto and then off of our fence. I can't wait ... last year we saw a maximum 17 poults at the same time!

But, night before last I discovered where many of them roost (or sleep). I was out walking at sunset, and at first I heard all this noise - it was a massive number of turkeys flying up into a stand of tall white pine trees. It was amazing loud, and then it was surprisingly difficult to spot all the turkeys up in the pine branches!

But I counted 9 full-grown turkeys that night, and then last night I had to go back and check it again, and sure enough there were 8 turkeys up there! One must not have come home for the evening yet, otherwise I may have over counted the night before!

由使用者 gailferreira gailferreira2020年05月18日 15:18 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
