期刊歸檔用於 2024年7月


Wannamaker Workday Observations: July 7th, 2024

A good group came out to install pipes and coverboards to monitor treefrogs and salamanders along Lyon's creek today, so hopefully we'll start observing some cool things on those in a few months! We also flipped a few of the snake covers, and although noone seemed to be home, we stumbled across a small copperhead on the red trail loop.

After installing pipes, Chuck, Tate, and Luke gave me a hand doing a few kick seines on Lyon's creek. Access was tough and we didn't sample for very long, but here's at least a few new observations for the creek. I'll try to get out there again to hunt for some more access points and do a more thorough sampling job sometime in the next month or two.

I'm by no means an expert ID'ing stream macros beyond the order level, but did my best with these guys we found. While IDing I https://www.macroinvertebrates.org/ to be a super helpful resource. I also found this key to be helpful for narrowing down Heptageniidae

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