期刊歸檔用於 2021年8月


Antioch Dunes

Fresh from visits to Metalmarks on Mounts Ununhum and Diablo, I was eager to see the colony of Butterflies at Antioch Dunes. This unique preserve is closed, but their Website showed a monthly tour, and in just a few days! My luck was in.

So different from the inspiring vistas of the mountain colonies! The neighborhood of Antioch Dunes is frankly dismal.
The river shore here is littered with abandoned industrial gear of all sorts. Piles of trash. 1950's factories slowly oxidizing under a pitiless delta sun. Very few people--zombies might be expected! The 50 acres devoted to the Butterflies is split into two parted divided a skeletal factory. Not promising!

I waited by the park entrance for the tour. A fellow joined me for a while and we chatted about butterflies.
He drifted off, and it was apparent that no tour would occur. I was miffed, and instead of leaving i resolve to peek into the preserve where the fence was knocked down in the Sardis(east) portion. I did this, walking about 1/4 mile down a dirt road.
Mostly the vegetation is what moved in or sprang back after the sand miners were finished. I saw a small scrimmage of Whites that had both Cabbage and Checkered Whites around Yellow Star Thistle. But there are nice areas of natives planted on the imported sand brought to restore a bit of dune. I was admiring a stand of buckwheat on one when I met the two Fish and Game men.
These two nice men were standing near a late model Dodge in full kit. While not conceding that I had any right to be there, they seemed more amused than censorious. They were happy to chat. I was interested to learn that they were mostly concerned with boaters coming ashore to party. Nobody seems to come in from the adjacent road. As far as they knew, there were no tours at Antioch.

I left them at their post near the shore and walked out, perhaps a bit slowly. Back at the buckwheat I saw a pristine Lange's Metalmark. Such Joy! Just a glimpse has the power to transform this bleached post-apocalyptic hellscape instantly into a garden filled with the promise of spring.

I'd always heard that the butterfly here was on the ropes: and certainly a quick look at this place inspires no confidence. But to see the butterfly is to believe it's still possible.

由使用者 icosahedron icosahedron2021年08月19日 01:28 所貼文 | 5 個觀察記錄 | 4 評論 | 留下評論