
New jig head category

This is just a quick post mentioning that I am making a distinction going forward using between regular sized jig heads and small jig heads. Previously I used the term "jig head" to represent both sizes. Jig heads that are normal or typical in size will be referred to as "jig head" or "regular Jig head. Smaller ones will not be referred to as "small jig head" or "nano jig head". I will not be going back and editing old posts to change this distinction.

The attached observation is the beginning of this new categories' implementation.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2023年06月14日 09:56 所貼文 | 1 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Hybrid Sunfish Project

I recently created a project based around hybrid sunfish. I hope this project will make it somewhat easier to identify and record them.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2021年03月31日 20:05 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Winter pond record 5

These are just extra notes on what species/hybrids I caught yesterday and how many.

I caught most of the fish using worm though I did catch one fish off a fake pink maggots alone. This time they where more aggressive and hanging closer to shore suggesting to me that they are getting ready for spring. In the first spot I caught 3 fish. The first spot was relatively shallow and in between two dread trees sticking from the water and a weedy shoreline. I did notice that some of the fish seemed to be eating a floating piece of bread that somehow got in the water. I cast in the area where I saw the fish and caught some. The second spot is where I caught most of my fish. The second spot a place that had a lot of cover because of the branches that have fallen into the water from the trees above the waterline. I believe the second spot is deeper as well. While I was leaving the second spot I noticed the fish eating and jumping at something near the shoreline. It was sort in a spot I passed that looks out onto the middle of the pond. I walked over and the fish fled. I realized the thing on the shoreline was some kind of baguette or some type of subway style bread. I cast in behind a few feet behind the bread, where there was some structure, and caught the last fish of the day.

I caught 3 bluegill.

I caught 8 greengill. They where more aggressive than last which is normal for this pond.

I caught 1 green sunfish. I normally catch this species more the spot 1 area. Though suppose I shouldn't be surprised I caught of these in spot 2, due to all of the branches and cover.

Note: Unlike some of my previous journals I actually took pictures of each individual fish mostly because I wanted to some more greengill reference photos for my art. Also this might be the last winter pond record since spring is almost here.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2021年03月08日 14:47 所貼文 | 12 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Winter pond record 4

These are just extra notes on what species/hybrids I caught yesterday and how many.

I mostly used worms and only caught one fish off a worm and pink fake maggot combo. The fish this time where a lot more finicky. I caught one bluegill in the first spot off of a big worm and had to change to a smaller worm in the second spot because the fish didn't seem interested in the big worm. Something I would like to note is that the water in the pond was stained and higher due to rain the previous day.

I caught 3 bluegill.
I caught 2 greengill. I surprisingly didn't catch many yesterday.

Note: Unlike previous journals I actually took pictures of each individual fish mostly because I didn't catch many. Also this might be the last winter pond record since spring is almost here.

Post date: 3-3-2021

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2021年03月03日 15:44 所貼文 | 5 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Winter pond record 3

These are just extra notes on what species/hybrids I caught today and how many.

The bait I used was worms and glittery green crappie power bait. Like the other times before most of the fish I caught by using small earthworms, with only two of the fish being caught off of the powerbait. The fish were surprisingly aggressive this time, probably because I started off in the part of pond where they seem most common. I caught quite a few greengill and bluegill in the first spot. I eventually moved towards a spot where that was sort of in the middle between my previous spot and the spot I usually fish. I caught some more greengill as well as green sunfish in and near this spot. I did cast near my usual spot and thats where I caught my first green sunfish of the day. When I cast out into the middle from this spot I caught the biggest greengill of the day. I moved to my usual spot and only caught one greengill.

I caught 10 greengill. I caught a lot of greengill today including the chunky 6 inch one I mentioned earlier.
I caught 3 bluegill. One of the bluegill had a bunch of parasites on it and another had a damaged caudal fin.
I caught 2 green sunfish. One thing to note is the second green sunfish I caught was caught from out near the middle of pond instead of the structure I usually catch them near.

Note: Unlike before I actually took pictures of each individual fish mostly because I decided to take measurements this time around.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2021年01月23日 01:53 所貼文 | 15 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Winter pond record 2

These are just extra notes on what species/hybrids I caught today and how many.

The bait I used was worms, pink fake maggots, and glittery green crappie power bait. Like before I caught most of fish off of worm. Though some, mostly the green sunfish, were caught on green power bait. I didn't catch anything off the pink maggots. The fish seem even less aggressive than before. I had to reduce my hook size twice before I found the right size to actually hook the fish. I did catch one fish, a greengill, before I changed hook sizes .

I caught 2 or 3 greengill. I think I caught a really nice one, for this pond, and it jumped off my hook, onto the ground, and back into the water before I take a photo. It would have been my third greengill if I could confirm it with a photo. I'm pretty sure it was a greengill because it had the blue patterning that most of the other greengill seem to have.
I caught 2 green sunfish. They were both small individuals.
I caught 2 bluegill. I'm not counting my snagged one because I didn't hook it in the mouth. I also don't normally catch more than 1 bluegill from this pond. Seeing more than one tells me that there is a small population of bluegill and not just one individual, as I previously thought. It makes more sense that there is more than one because of the large number of greengill in this pond.

Note: I did not take a picture of every individual fish I caught. I took pictures of most of the fish, except the one that flopped back into the water before I had a chance a photo.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2021年01月07日 21:14 所貼文 | 7 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Winter pond record 1

This is just extra notes on what species/hybrids I caught today and how many.

The bait I used was worms, pink fake maggots, and glittery green crappie power bait. I'm pretty sure I caught most of the fish off worm. The fish also seemed less aggressive due the colder water, but still much more aggressive than other fish form other bodies of water.

I caught 6 greengill. Most of them seemed "healthy" though one did have parasites of it.
I caught 3 green sunfish. A lot of them were small and seemed stunted, as usual for this pond.
I caught 1 bluegill. It seemed malnourished, likely due to it being out competed by the greengill and green sunfish for food.

Note: I did not take a picture of every individual fish I caught. I just took pictures of the ones that were the first catches of that species for the day or I just found interesting . I also didn't take a picture of the greengill with parasites because I did not want to hold it for too long.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2020年12月24日 02:08 所貼文 | 7 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


New Project

I would like to announce that I have recently started my first project. Its focus is on the fish species that caught be caught in the video game fishing sim world. Anyone can join and share their observations. I'm kind of debating wither or not I should leave observations member only or just change it back to all observations.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2020年12月06日 01:44 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Bluegill X Green sunfish hybrid AKA Greengill

I would like to address that the photo of the fish associated with post is in fact a hybrid. I can tell it is a hybrid to pattern of the fish being a combination of both a bluegill ( Lepomis macrochirus) and a Green sunfish ( Lepomis cyanellus), with the vertical stripes of the Bluegill having the spot colors of the Green sunfish. The head is more proportionate to that of bluegill rather than a pure Green sunfish. The spiny dorsal fin is longer and has less spines than a typical Green sunfish. The general body shape is similar to that of bluegill. In conclusion this fish is very likely a hybrid of a Green sunfish and Bluegill considering these two fish are the most common species within the pond the fish was caught.

由使用者 jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator2020年06月17日 17:04 所貼文 | 1 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
