期刊歸檔用於 2020年5月


Secret Pond

Due to Covid I am no longer able to swim each morning so I am replacing that with a 21/2 to 3 mile walk. I opened my door & walked. I knew of a nearby pond with falls & a fish ladder so I headed there. Next I walked to another pond nearby. On my return I spied a town Conservation Marker for Sydney Pond. It was difficult to see a path at times as I headed for the pond.I had to climb over three fallen trees. That first day, onMarch 14th. I scared away five deer.I felt like no one has been here in years. Skunk cabbage grows across what was once a path and it is impossible to step with out stomping Canada Mayflower or fiddleheads. An avid birder, I scanned for birds, finding only the Redwinged blackbirds- my harbinger of Spring.
Since that day I have walked daily always making time to sit at the pond and observe.One rainy cold morning I found six Snowy Egrets, gorgeously decked out in breeding finery. Another time three Great White egrets were pausing for a rest in their migration. FOY Phoebes; Yellow rumped warblers and Warbling vireos have appeared. One day I was lucky enough to see a Wood duck pair fly in and disappear into a tree across the pond. No sightings since then.
The pond appears quite shallow and vegetation is growing in the middle. Cat briers are leafing out and Phragmites are growing at the edge. Everywhere there is bright soft mounding moss. I search for my favorite:British soldiers but perhaps that is a latter flower. I long for a loupe I left behind when I retired. A parent had bought us a class set to examine nature up close. Fiddleheads are becoming distinct to me. Some are fuzzy; some not. Some are white; some red.they spread across the area finding moist rich humus everywhere. I see some old favorites- wintergreen;celandine; bloodroot. I also see chocolate ajuga escaped from a garden.
So far I have never met another breathing life but deer and birds and incredibly loud Spring Peepers. I never mention this pond to family or friends. I tell them what I see at the other ponds (bigger and far richer in biodiversity) but this pond is my secret pond.

由使用者 jbham jbham2020年05月13日 13:24 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Secret Pond

Due to Covid I am no longer able to swim each morning so I am replacing that with a 21/2 to 3 mile walk. I opened my door & walked. I knew of a nearby pond with falls & a fish ladder so I headed there. Next I walked to another pond nearby. On my return I spied a town Conservation Marker for Sydney Pond. It was difficult to see a path at times as I headed for the pond.I had to climb over three fallen trees. That first day, onMarch 14th. I scared away five deer.I felt like no one has been here in years. Skunk cabbage grows across what was once a path and it is impossible to step with out stomping Canada Mayflower or fiddleheads. An avid birder, I scanned for birds, finding only the Redwinged blackbirds- my harbinger of Spring.
Since that day I have walked daily always making time to sit at the pond and observe.One rainy cold morning I found six Snowy Egrets, gorgeously decked out in breeding finery. Another time three Great White egrets were pausing for a rest in their migration. FOY Phoebes; Yellow rumped warblers and Warbling vireos have appeared. One day I was lucky enough to see a Wood duck pair fly in and disappear into a tree across the pond. No sightings since then.
The pond appears quite shallow and vegetation is growing in the middle. Cat briers are leafing out and Phragmites are growing at the edge. Everywhere there is bright soft mounding moss. I search for my favorite:British soldiers but perhaps that is a latter flower. I long for a loupe I left behind when I retired. A parent had bought us a class set to examine nature up close. Fiddleheads are becoming distinct to me. Some are fuzzy; some not. Some are white; some red.they spread across the area finding moist rich humus everywhere. I see some old favorites- wintergreen;celandine; bloodroot. I also see chocolate ajuga escaped from a garden.
So far I have never met another breathing life but deer and birds and incredibly loud Spring Peepers. I never mention this pond to family or friends. I tell them what I see at the other ponds (bigger and far richer in biodiversity) but this pond is my secret pond.

由使用者 jbham jbham2020年05月13日 13:32 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論
