期刊歸檔用於 2022年1月


Help with ID on intriguing plant

For over a year now, I have been intrigued by this small plant that I found in the Bay Area. It is something that I have only found in 2 locations that are in close proximity to each other. So far, the best ID I could get on iNat is "Vascular Plants". I have checked with a number of my friends, who are very knowledgeable about local flora. I even checked with the park's environmental scientist. None of them have an idea what it is. Is it something rare? Interesting? (Definitely interesting to me!) New?
Any help is appreciated.

The plant consists of a stalk with no leaves and one to several flowers. The 7 to 10mm flowers only open when they are wet (rain or heavy fog). When they are dry, the flowers close completely, making the plants nearly invisible and impossible to locate. Most of the flowers show no sign of reproductive organs. Only a few develop what look like round stones. The plants emerge with the first rains (this year in October) and are gone when the rains end (last year, by March). Oddly, I only find them on the trail, never off the trail, even near where the population is quite dense. This makes it seem like they require the ground to be scraped or very compacted.

I have been visiting them on a weekly basis and charting the weather conditions, to see when they bloom. It turns out that they just have to be wet. When I put a few drops on a closed plant, it opens within about 15 minutes.

Any help is appreciated!

由使用者 kendalloei kendalloei2022年01月17日 04:07 所貼文 | 6 個觀察記錄 | 22 評論 | 留下評論
