
August 12, 2014

I searched the east and south edge of the Kidz Park Pond in southwest Longview. I was hoping to find Atlantic Bluet but Damselflies were in short supply generally. I could not find a Kiowa Dancer near the outlet stream, unusual for this time of year.

Here's a list of Odanata species I saw. The best of the morning was a Broad-striped Forceptail seen on foliage at the margin of the pond. This is my first photo of a Forceptail in Gregg Co, although I have seen 2-3.

I was at the pond from 10:25 am to 11:50 am.
Total Species - 15

Variable Dancer ~ 10
Skimming Bluet - 1
Double-striped Bluet ~12
Fragile Forktail - 5-6

Common Whitetail - many
Widow Skimmer - many
Banded Pennant ~12
Halloween Pennant - 5-6
Red Saddlebags - 1
"red-colored" Saddlebags ~ 10
Black Saddlebags - 12-15
Eastern Pondhawk - many
Blue Dasher - many
Slaty Skimmer - many
Broad-banded Forceptail - 1
Eastern Amberwings - 5-10

由使用者 lg_price lg_price2014年08月12日 18:51 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Cemetery Ponds

I spent about 1 hour looking at the 3 Cemetery Ponds - 1 - the spring - 2 - the wooded dark water pond - 3 the NW corner and the SW corner of the Cemetery Lake. I only spent about 20 minutes at the Cemetery Lake -

I only put up a few photos. I don't have internet for a few days.

Species Totals - 17 species

Southern Spreadwing - 12 + at the spring - all male

Citrine Forktail - 2-3
Fragile Forktail - Lots 20 +

Burgundy Bluet - 2 male at SE corner I only looked briefly at one spot.
Skimming Bluet - 1
Double-Striped BLuet - many 40 +
Variable Dancer - 5-6

Eastern Pondhawk - many
Blue Dasher - many
Widow Skimmer - 20+
Common White-tail - many 20+
Slaty Skimmer - many 30 +
Great Blue Skimmer - 1
Banded Skimmer - any - 20 +
Halloween Skimmer - 4-5
Swift Setwing - 1

Wandering Glider - 1

由使用者 lg_price lg_price2014年08月03日 02:44 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


North Longview - Business Park - July 21

I went to check Odes at the LVBP pond and pond outlet stream. There were many Skimmers like yesterday on the south side of town. However, this time it seems the Yellow-sided Skimmers really were Yellow-sided, not immature Great Blues as yesterday. The disappointment was almost no Damselflies out.

13 Species

Fragile Forktails - a few
Citrine Forktail - 1
Ebony Jewelwing - 6 - at the lower road crossing, despite being there at high noon.

Eastern Pondhawk - ~10
Blue Dasher - ~5
Eastern Amberwings - 3
Slaty Skimmer - lots
Spangled Skimmer - 5
Great Blue Skimmer - 1
Neon Skimmer - 4
Widow Skimmer - lots
White-tailed Skimmer - lots
Banded Pennant - 2

由使用者 lg_price lg_price2014年07月21日 20:53 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Cemetery Pond - Pond String - July 20

CORRECTION - no Yellow-sided Skimmers - were immature Great Blue Skimmers.

I visited the small pond #1 ( the springs), the seepage near it, and the east side of Cemetery Lake (pond) today to see what was around after the recent rains.

I found Yellow-sided Skimmers ( at least 2) at the Seepage area which is a new Gregg County record.

Species List (18)

Great Blue Skimmer several
Slaty Skimmer
Widow Skimmer
White-tailed Skimmer
Eastern Amberwings
Eastern Pondhawk
Blue Dasher
Red Saddlebags
Swift Spreadwing (3)
Banded Pennant (numerous)
Halloween Pennant
Variable Dancer ( many)

Southern Spreadwing (5)
Rambur's Forktail
Fragile Forktail
Citrine Forktail
Double-striped Bluet ( most numerous)
Burgundy Bluet (10)

由使用者 lg_price lg_price2014年07月20日 22:16 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Longview Business Park Odes - July 13

I looked for Odes along the western edge of the small pond ( 70 yards) and about 50 yards along the outlet stream of the Longview Northern Business Park.

Citrine Forktail - 2
Fragile Forktail - 10
Variable Dancer - 2

Neon Skimmer - 3
Red Saddlebags - 1
Eastern Pondhawk - Many
Widow Skimmer - 5
Blue Dasher - Many
Spangled Skimmer - 5
Slaty Skimmer - 10
Great Blue Skimmer - 3
Common Green Darner - 1
Spot-winged Glider - 1

Total Species - 14

由使用者 lg_price lg_price2014年07月13日 22:27 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Pond/Lake Count Journal

I've set up a Blog on WordPress to hold the Count Records.


由使用者 lg_price lg_price2013年06月22日 05:15 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
