期刊歸檔用於 2021年5月


Ornithology - May 3 & 10 , 2021

Date - May 10, 2021

Start time - 3:11 pm
End time - 3:44 pm
Location - Old I-89 Extension
eBird Checklist - https://ebird.org/vt/checklist/S87757494

Date - May 3, 2021

Start time - 7:52 am
End time - 9:15 am
Location - Red Rocks Park and Old I-89 Extension
eBird Checklist - https://ebird.org/vt/checklist/S87034185

由使用者 lizamorse lizamorse2021年05月03日 20:12 所貼文 | 13 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Field Ornithology 2021 - May 22, 23, and 24

May 22, 2021
Geprags Community Park
Start time: 7:19 am
End time: 8:30 am

May 23, 2021
Woodside Natural Area
Start time: 7:17 am
End time: 7:55 am

May 24, 2021
Rock Creek Trail to Georgetown Waterfront Park
Start time: 7:15 am
End time: 10:30 am
Had to dip out early for doctor's appt.


由使用者 lizamorse lizamorse2021年05月25日 00:42 所貼文 | 26 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Field Ornithology 2021 - May 25

Rock Creek Park (Peirce Mill)
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
Anacostia River Trail


I started the morning off at a part of Rock Creek Park nearby where I have been staying since Kenilworth didn't open until 8 am. I started off the morning trying to figure out a strange song that had the tune of a Black-and-white Warbler but the song quality of a COYE or CAWR. See my first audio recording from the day. I'm pretty sure it was a COYE but I had a lot of trouble finding it. I also had some great views of male Wood Ducks which seem much less timid than in Vermont. Perhaps it was because they weren't mate guarding? Or perhaps they are just used to more people? Either way, I wished I had had a good camera because the views of these guys was SPECTACULAR. I also had a Louisiana Waterthrush which I think was a lifer!

After finishing at Rock Creek, I stopped back off at the apartment for a quick bathroom break and then struggled to navigate through lots of construction to Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens. When I finally got there, however, it was wonderful. Highlights were probably the Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, a rather unexpected Blackpoll Warbler, Chimney Swifts, and a Yellow Warbler being weird with its song which was good practice. From Kenilworth, I walked along the Anacostia River Trail. Kenilworth was a lot of constructed and natural wetland which included marshes, lily ponds, and open water. From Kenilworth along the River Trail, there was marshy wetland, open river habitat, riparian forest, and shrub-scrub habitats. Two mature male, one female, and one very vocal immature male Orchard Oriole were absolute highlights -- I'd only ever seen them once before in Vermont and never as visible as this. More Indigo Buntings than I'd ever seen were also pretty incredible. I was a bit overwhelmed with all the song I was hearing which is why I didn't think to record it, but upon reflection on a song I heard but didn't circle back to ID, Field Sparrow was a solid grassland/shrubland bird that I observed.

由使用者 lizamorse lizamorse2021年05月25日 20:45 所貼文 | 32 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Field Ornithology 2021 - May 27

Hinesburg Town Forest
Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge


I spent half the morning at Hinesburg Town Forest, trying to make up for my missed day focused on forest birds. A highlight right off the bat was a male Mourning Warbler that I was able to ID by song which was new for me. Then I was able to track him down and get some photos, so the song was really solidified in my brain by seeing him sing. In the large blow down area that has now grown up into shrub/young forest, I heard countersinging Canada Warblers. In the same spot, I also got an Eastern Towhee, so it was interesting to see how that natural disturbance created ideal habitat for interior forest species as well as some shrubland birds. After awhile, I stopped adding any new species, so I headed to Charlotte Park. I almost drove off the road when I heard the distinctive song of an Eastern Meadowlark. I pulled over and spent some time watching a pair of Meadowlarks engaging in some chasing behavior and at least one of them perching up and singing. I also heard a male Bobolink singing in the same field.

At the Charlotte Park I was excited to see such a mix of cedars, hickory, and oak and what that habitat might turn up. I was also rather horrified by the extent of invasive honeysuckle! A highlight was a couple unknown flycatchers that I was able to ID by paying close attention to field marks and getting recordings of their songs. I also had a Blue-winged Warbler (or at least a winged warbler singing the typical Blue-winged Warbler song). I was excited to experience the site for the first time and will definitely be going back!

由使用者 lizamorse lizamorse2021年05月28日 00:58 所貼文 | 27 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Field Ornithology 2021 - May 28

Ethan Allen Homestead
Delta Park
Derway Island


Started the day off at Ethan Allen Homestead which was a site I missed while in DC. I walked along the River Trail loop to the river and then hung a right onto the trail that leads off the property. I didn't get very far because I wasn't feeling very well (back pain). I went home for a little bit to lie down and hope to rebound for the rest of the morning. I then headed to Delta Park to try to get some waterbirds I hadn't seen earlier in the week. I was rewarded with Marsh Wrens and Caspian Terns which were new for me this week.

After spending some time out on the beach/mud flats, I walked along the bike path all the way to the North Ave. intersection and walked over to Derway Island. Along the bike path, I added a Spotted Sandpiper which I was able to ID thanks to the constant butt bobbing and a Belted Kingfisher by call. At Derway Island I saw a Great Egret flying along the river and added a Least Flycatcher to the list, singing in the woods next to the river.

On my walk back to the car parked at Delta Park, I was determined to get another shorebird, so I headed back out to the beach. My persistence was rewarded with a mystery sandpiper. I narrowed my ID down to Least Sandpiper or Semipalmated Sandpiper. What was throwing me off was the color of the legs which seemed too dark to be Least Sandpiper but not not dark enough to be Semipalmated. This was probably a result of the distance between me and the bird and the bad light caused by an overcast sky. I got many digiscoped photos with my binoculars and phone and also a video. Allan was then able to help me narrow my ID down to a Least Sandpiper. It was a great way to end the morning.

由使用者 lizamorse lizamorse2021年05月28日 23:43 所貼文 | 34 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
