期刊歸檔用於 2018年2月


Heading north to do some bird banding

Hi All:
Susan and I are about to head to Whitefish Point for three days, Susan will be netting and banding crossbills (we hope) and I will be netting and banding redpolls. We have been getting 75-100 redpolls at our feeders and I believe there are both subspecies of Common Redpoll and also Hoary Redpolls. I'll be measuring wing length, weighing and photographing the birds. Planned photos are rump, total back, under-tail coverts and full frontal. The plumage differences of what's coming to the feeders is pretty astounding.

Two weeks ago redpolls were not on the license that covers me, so we had to release 20-30 birds. That was really frustrating. Looking forward to pulling more of those little beauties from the nets. Then comes the real work.

Also planning on photographing trees for the Michigan Botanists' Big Year. Which is just a fun project.

That's about all. Photos to come pretty soon.


由使用者 makielb makielb2018年02月08日 02:12 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論


Missing being away from Michigan

For ten day we will have our annual foray into the deep south. This time we will be spending seven nights ta Bald Point Florida on the Central Panhandle of the Gulf Coast. Hope to post loads of photos since I have a black light and microscopes (regular and dissecting). Already photographing lichens and mosses on the way down - oh those frustrating little buggers.

Having arrived at Bald Point this evening, the real adventure begins tomorrow. Wow, was the box of reference books heavy.

Best of luck to all of my Michigan botanizing friends.

More to come,

由使用者 makielb makielb2018年02月17日 02:46 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
