期刊歸檔用於 2014年2月


Geo-171-2014 Homework #2

My three iconic-taxa observed for homework assignment #2 consist of: a plant, mammal, and insect.

1) The plant I found is some kind of berry bush alongside Euclid st in Berkeley. Although I don't know the exact name of this plant, I am pretty positive it can be identified under the plants taxa.

2) The mammal I observed is one I see often, as they live and eat near my house in the North Berkeley Hills. I'm lucky enough that I can even wake up to the sound of their chewing through my window! Although I'm not positive what type of deer the one in my observation is, I am labeling it under the mammals taxa.

3) The Insect I found resembles some kind of tiny beetle or cricket, and was only about a centimeter long. It was resting underneath a rock I turned over. I'm classifying it under the Insect taxa.

由使用者 marceairene marceairene2014年02月01日 02:42 所貼文 | 3 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Phenology Exercise

I took to the UC Berkeley campus and some of its fields and more wooded areas to find some examples of flowering/non flowering and leafing/bare plants. Although I wasn't able to ID all the plants I found, I believe they are good examples of flowering and leaf phenology. My leafing plant appears very healthy, green and full of leafs. My non leafing plant is extremely bare, looks dry and was kind of all over the place in terms of how it laid. There was a lot of Bermuda Buttercup plant that had tons of small, yellow flowers, exemplifying flowering phenology. My non flowering plant, seems to have some dried flowers on it, but remains un-flowered and bare.

I added a couple more pictures, as some of my observations had no ID on them. I did my best to ID the plants I saw ~ It's a little hard to get ID's if you don't know the name of them yourself, and neither do fellow inats? Any advise on how to ID plants better would be great, as we're suppose to have Research Grade work.

由使用者 marceairene marceairene2014年02月11日 22:49 所貼文 | 6 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
