期刊歸檔用於 2018年7月


Simple guideline on photography of "big" River Mussels in Europe

It is pleasing that iNaturalists take photos of these overlooked animals in the field. Unfortunately, plenty of photos is taken with repeated errors. Therefore I would like to provide some useful information on how to take pictures correctly:

1) place the shell on a flat surface and take photos from above vertically to the shell plain; see nice examples here: www.researchgate.net/figure/The-eight-unionoid-species-of-the-North-and-Central-European-region-A-Anodonta_fig1_230574388 or here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-59867-7/figures/2

2) take close-up(s) of structures (umbonal rugae) on upper parts of the shell, which are crucial characteristics for Anodonta, Pseudanodonta, and Sinanodonta species; see figure 1 and 2 in my article here (roll down on page 4 of the PDF): https://docplayer.cz/14600192-Dolozene-vyskyty-skeble-rybnicne-anodonta-cygnea-bivalvia-unionida-z-ceske-a-polske-casti-slezska-a-ze-severni-moravy.html

3) if your find is a dead animal, open up both parts of the shell and take photo(s) of the inside, if not put it back to its environment (native "big" River Mussels are declining species in many parts of Europe)

4) post your pics on iNat and wait on ID or confirmation :-)

由使用者 martinmandak martinmandak2018年07月01日 14:15 所貼文 | 65 評論 | 留下評論
