期刊歸檔用於 2023年3月


Voting for English common names of North American robber fly genera

Rob Cannings , myself, and a few other robber fly folks have been developing a list of standardized common names for North American asilid genera (north of Mexico) over the past year. We're now looking to finalize these names before moving on to common names for each species.

If you're interested in voting on the genus names suggested so far (or would like to suggest your own), you can do so in this Google Form. The poll will be open until April 14th. Votes will be used to gauge the popularity of these names, but won't be the sole determining factor for which are ultimately selected. You can see the rationale for each name in this Google Sheet.

I look forward to your input!

由使用者 myelaphus myelaphus2023年03月30日 22:44 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論