Blinding Austin with (Caterpillar) Science

Earlier this week, I had the surreal experience where people paid money to have me show them videos of caterpillars pooping (??) and I got to talk into a microphone and everything? Anyway, it was a ton of fun, even if it was only a ten minute presentation (?!). At least I got to defend mosquitos in the debate (and you BET mosquitos won).

The event was part of a quarterly series of shows in Austin called the Dionysium. It's essentially an intellectual variety show, and I will have to check it out if I have found a job by the time the next one rolls around (but that's another post ;_;)

The presentation file is here! (very large because it is full of embedded videos, though sped up VERY FAST to fit into ten minutes!):

Original event posting in Austin Chronicle:

由使用者 nanofishology nanofishology2019年02月10日 08:15 所貼文


You're so great, Alysa! Well done!!!

I too would have paid money for that presentation!

發佈由 sambiology 超過 5 年 前

Thanks, Sam! I can't believe I stayed in the time limit! At least my next presentation is two hours (teaching the ento session for my Master Naturalist training class!)

發佈由 nanofishology 超過 5 年 前


發佈由 connlindajo 超過 5 年 前


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