期刊歸檔用於 2022年10月


Psilosoma: mediterranean magic mushrooms

First official list of verified magic mushrooms around the mediterranean area.
Thanks to the expeditions of the naturalist Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (@naturalmao / #mao.valletta), who is focusing the "project PsiloSoma" and who belives that magic mushrooms are all around us just we need to know better their envirovments, biodiversity, chemistry and distribution. We can show a first official map of verified magic mushrooms around the mediterranean area.
You are welcome to follow, take part, and support the project PsiloSoma on this platform and we are on linkedin and Instagram too. A first video about this project of study and an invitation to cooperateon the Youtube channel "naturalmao" at link https://youtu.be/EXenHwH_TF8 ; hopefully we will make oder ones. You can stay in contact or follow the updates on that you tube channel, linkedin or instagram too. You can contact on the email psilosoma.project@gmail.com and, among other things, you can add your oservation to this project, send us samples to study, dinamyze data sharing, suggest species and envirovments around or invite us to explore the biodiversity of shrooms in your area.

Mush love
shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao

由使用者 naturalmao naturalmao2022年10月13日 18:31 所貼文 | 34 個觀察記錄 | 5 評論 | 留下評論


Psilosoma: mediterranean magic mushrooms

First official list of verified magic mushrooms around the mediterranean area.
Thanks to the expeditions of the naturalist Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (@natural_mao / @mao.valletta), who belives that magic mushrooms are all around us just we need to know better their envirovments and biodiversity. We can show a first official map of verified magic mushrooms around the mediterranean area.
You are welcome to add your observations, follow, take part, and support the project PsiloSoma.
Among other things, you can send us samples to study, dinamyze data sharing, suggest species and envirovments around or invite us to explore the biodiversity of shrooms in your area.
you can contact on the email
Anyway we are on linkedin and Instagram too. A short presentation of what is about the project is on the Youtube link https://youtu.be/ic1_Jjw_kWg
Mush love
shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao
taxa psilocybe
Mediterranean Area

由使用者 naturalmao naturalmao2022年10月15日 06:48 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Southernmost Psilocybe in the Mediterranean

southernmost psilocybe in the Mediterranean whose presence I have personally verified are Psilocybe semilanceata in the Sierra Nevada Alpujarras, Granada, Spain at an altitude of around 2200m above sea level and P. semilanceata and P. serbica sampled in the Sila mountains in Calabria, Catanzaro, Italy around 1000m above sea level. In both cases the mushrooms were present in open spaces among coniferous forests.

由使用者 naturalmao naturalmao2022年10月31日 07:51 所貼文 | 6 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
