期刊歸檔用於 2024年8月


I am beginning a 3RD reptile-o-rama bioblitz for this year.

in september 23, 2020, I started the reptile-o-rama bioblitz', which ended in september 23 of 2021. in June 23, 2023, I started a second one which ended in June 23, 2024.

on august 30th, I am commencing the third reptile-o-rama bioblitz of the series. if anyone would like to find out more about it, they can click this link: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/reptile-o-rama-bioblitz-2024. you can join the bioblitz by clicking the members button on the top-right of my bioblitz's panel. anyone who would like to join is welcome! I hope you all have fun participating in the bioblitz and I wish you all the best of luck.

happy observing, my fellow Inaturalists. this is nature-tracker, signing off.

由使用者 nature-tracker nature-tracker2024年08月14日 22:29 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Several more days 'til the beginning of reptile-o-rama bioblitz 2024!

Hi, naturalists! this is the nature-tracker, admin of the reptile-o-rama bioblitz series. August 30th approaches in several days, so if any naturalists would like to join, there is still a fair amount of time. In this article, i am going to tell more information about the project rules.

■ Users who have observations of uncommon reptiles in the species leaderboard will earn bonus points.
■ i will be creating a custom leaderboard of the top 25 that will be submitted via the project journal.
■ if there are any changes in the bioblitz rankings, i will edit or re-submit the custom leaderboard to match the changes.
■ only verifyable observations will be valid in the bioblitz.

I wish you all the best of luck, my fellow inaturalists. This is nature-tracker, signing off.

由使用者 nature-tracker nature-tracker2024年08月18日 00:15 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論


Two more days till the countdown end of reptile-o-rama 2024!

Hi people! I am excited to say that there are two more days to the end of the countdown for the bioblitz! I'd like to note that i am making the project fully public now, due to the fact that the members panel is empty. I hope all of you are excited and i wish you luck for the bioblitz !

由使用者 nature-tracker nature-tracker2024年08月28日 19:43 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Welcome, all inaturalists, to the reptile-o-rama bioblitz of 2024!

The big day is here! All current observations of reptiles are being submitted to the bioblitz. Pretty soon, i will configure a custom leaderboard of the top 12 observers sometime at the beginning of next week. I wish you all luck.

由使用者 nature-tracker nature-tracker2024年08月31日 21:39 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
