species to look for near the U.S.-Mexico border (in the U.S.)
a regularly-updated and work-in-progress list of hopper species that may show up in the U.S. some of these may have already been confirmed by the time you read this.
First, a developing list of U.S. finds still unpublished (as far as I am aware): Graphogonalia evagorata, Egidemia cf. inflata, and Barela cf. decorata.
• Draeculacephala clypeata (Osborn, 1926)
• Draeculacephala soluta (Gibson, 1919)
my identification of this species is currently tentative.
• Paraulacizes thunbergi (Stål, 1864)
If found in the U.S., this would be the second member of this genus found north of Mexico.
• Oncometopia clarior (Walker, 1851)
This species can look nearly identical to O. hamiltoni in some forms. This far north, the green form is distinctive.
• Phera sp.
This sharpshooter resembles members of Homalodisca, but is more slender and has an orange stripe down the vertex.
• Graphocephala aurolineata (Fowler, 1900)
This species looks very similar to Allogonia concinnula, but has a different pattern on the pronotum and lacks the two dark marks on the scutellum. This is likely a member of the genus Allogonia. In addition to this, Allogonia luculenta is a species confirmed from the southwestern U.S. and it is quite similar, but has a completely orange vertex and pronotum. The species seen near the border does look oddly slender and dark, so it would be important to have a specimen to confirm this tentative ID.
• unknown Cicadellini
This may be an undescribed species or an odd form of a previously described species. It appears to be a member of the Isogonalia-genus group (which is represented by Amphigonalia in the U.S.—a genus sometimes generally placed in Graphocephala)
• Apogonalia krameri (Young, 1977)
• Apogonalia fraterna (Young, 1977)
• cf. Apogonalia monticola
Other members of this genus may eventually show up in the U.S. as well, such as the widespread A. stalii.
• Hamana spp.
These are multiple potential species that are likely to occur on the U.S., some of which may be undescribed.
There are a number of additional Gyponini that have been seen near the border—these likely represent members of Ponana which may or may not be recorded from the U.S.
Iassinae and Cicadellinae are currently the only subfamilies represented on this list due to my familiarity with them being enough to develop an assessment of what has not yet been recorded in the U.S. I will be adding more to this list over time.